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We are pleased to announce our second quarterly winner of 2019: Tim Peeters, “The Space in between the Things”
Learning from Hong Kong
Tim Peeters (1985) graduated with honours from the Delft University of Technology in 2011. During his studies he
interned at MAD Design Studio in Beijing and attended the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc)
in Los Angeles. From 2013 until 2018 Tim worked at Studio ZUS in Rotterdam as an architect, researcher, lecturer
and teacher. In the summer of 2017 Tim co-taught Gentrification Lab New York, a summer school by Syracuse
University studying the effects of gentrification in the city of New York. Tim has also contributed articles and essays to
a number of magazines and digital platforms in the Netherlands and abroad.
In the summer of 2018 he founded Spangen; a design studio interested in the (transitory) architecture of the city and
the intricate relationship between the urban landscape, architecture, and (popular) culture.
“Once you start looking for them it is easy to find even in the most unexpected corners examples of usage that the designers (if
any) certainly never envisaged.”
– Herman Herzberger, Lessons for Students in Architecture (2005)
The Space in between the Things studies inventive and surprising uses of urban public space. It is a search for places, sidewalks,
staircases, nooks and corners that have been appropriated into temporary living rooms, shops, storage spaces, terraces and
playgrounds. The Space in between the Things explores the area where (un)designed spatial qualities, the resourcefulness of city
dwellers and the complex world of temporary uses collide. This exploration takes place in a city where this collision has
produced a phenomenally rich and intense array of uses of public space: Hong Kong.
The city of Hong Kong forms a backdrop against which a perpetual and amazingly complex public-spatial choreography unfolds.
Its inhabitants have developed an unrivalled talent for utilising what little urban space there is around them. This choreography
holds answers to pressing urban challenges in the Netherlands and elsewhere: although metropolitan areas like the Randstad do
not yet measure up to Hong Kong in terms of size and intensity, it is important to anticipate a future in which pressure on public
space demands a similar resourcefulness in these places as well.
The Space in between the Things explores the phenomenon of small scale temporary appropriation through text and images.
Illustrations, maps, diagrams and photograph will provide an overview of a part of urban life which is slowly becoming an
integral part of (designing) the Dutch urban landscape.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”https://www.fleurgroenendijkfoundation.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Hong-Kong.png” _builder_version=”3.23.3″ ab_subject=”on” ab_subject_id=”1″ ab_goal=”on”][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]